Friday, May 4, 2018

As You See It Challenge #175 - Speedy Shades of Grey

It's been a while since we've had a speed challenge, but they do crop up every now and then, taking everyone by surprise! When we do a speed challenge we are not expecting a detailed masterpiece from you. We want you to have fun and see what you can create in under 10 minutes!  "WHAT?!" you exclaim,"That's impossible!" Well, it isn't, as our design team will show you, but you can design it in your head or sketch it out first. You can gather all your supplies ahead of time. But once you start the stamping/die cutting/embossing/etc. process, you must start the timer! You have 10 minutes! Let us know, with your entry, how long it took you to complete your card or project! The key is to KISS!! Keep It Simple, Stamper!

Also, you can use any shades of Grey, plus other neutrals but no other colours!

Let's see how the Design Team managed the time limit:

Amy Jasper 8m28s

Jan Clothier 9m20s

Tara Angus 9m40s

Here are some guidelines for the challenge:

  • Create any card, scrapbooking page, 3D project or packaging   project that fits the challenge.
  • You can come up with your design and gather materials before you start the clock, but once you start work, you have to complete your design in 10 min.
  • Use only shades of grey and other neutrals in your project.
  • Please include the challenge graphic and link back to the   challenge in your blog post. Turn off word verification so we   can send you lots of feedback. Make sure you link the post not the whole blog to the Linky. Use #AYSI175 when uploading to a public gallery.
  • If you’re unsure about ‘the rules’, check the details under the Challenge Guidelines.

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