Friday, August 6, 2021

Challenge #256 - Zoology

Design Team member LeAnne has come up with a winner for our next Fill In the Blank Challenge. So many of us are animal lovers! And you have so many to choose from: birds, insects, fish, puppies - just to name a few! I'm sure everyone can find a favourite from that comprehensive a list, right? You don't have to own one - you might just enjoy watching this type of animal from a distance!

This week's challenge is a fill in the blank challenge. You complete the sentence by filling in the blank, then you make your project based on the words you used to fill in the blank. How would you fill in this blank? Now, take on the challenge of making something amazing with it!

 And make sure to tell us, in your blog post, how you Filled in the Blank!

challenge 256


Can you guess which critters are the Design Teams favourites ?

amy jasper

Amy Jasper
Amy is riding this month to raise money to end childhood cancer, and I bet she sees a lot of deer on her long, lonely bike rides. Her favourite animal is a moose, but deer are a close second.

heather cooper

Sloths are not Heather's favourite animal but they are the favourite of her daughter who is visiting right now soooo...

jan clothier

Jan is another deer lover, especially Christmas ones!

jane knudsen

Jane has a thing  for those cute koalas!

joanne james

Joanne James
Joanne just adores penguins!

leanne pugliese

LeAnne Pugliese
While LeAnne may be a general animal lover, you get the idea that that dog is a great favourite!

  • Create any card, scrapbooking page, 3D project or packaging project that fits the challenge.
  • Fill in the blanks with the words that are right for you and then create your project with those words in mind. Tell us, in your blog or on your site, what words you used.
  • Please include the challenge graphic and link back to the challenge in your blog post. Turn off word verification so we can send you lots of feedback. Make sure you link the post not the whole blog to the Linky. Use #AYSI256 when uploading to a public gallery.
  • If you’re unsure about ‘the rules’, check the details under the Challenge Guidelines tab.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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