Friday, February 23, 2018

Challenge #170 - Bits and Pieces

When I looked at our new sketch from Amanda this week, I had a bit of trouble coming up with a title for it. I love the sketch but it is a bit of a potpourri! A little of this and a little of that! So that's where the title comes in: Bits and Pieces! Wait...wasn't that the name of a delicious, crunchy snack food we used to have a while back? I can hardly wait to see what bits and pieces you throw into yours!

See how the Design Team saw it:

Here are some guidelines for the challenge:

  • Create any card, scrapbooking page, 3D project or packaging   project that fits the challenge.
  • Feel free to flip or rotate the sketch and to substitute one   shape for another but we must still be able to see the sketch   in your finished submission.
  • Please include the challenge graphic and link back to the   challenge in your blog post. Turn off word verification so we   can send you lots of feedback. Make sure you link the post not the whole blog to the Linky. Use #AYSI170 when uploading to a public gallery.
  • If you’re unsure about ‘the rules’, check the details under the Challenge Guidelines tab.


  1. Good grief, I added the wrong pic! If you delete I can re-add so the right one shows - argh! So sorry!

    1. Heather, I deleted it for you, so you can re-add!
